Saturday, April 2, 2011

Counting Gifts from the Lord!

It has been a really awesome week.  The week started out with such promise visiting a new church.  Spent some time with a woman who is becoming a great friend to me.  The excitement of starting things new.  These were just a few of the gifts God has given me this week. 

I am currently reading One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp.  It is undoubtedly one of the best most life changing books I have ever read.  If you haven't read it yet I definitely suggest it.  This book has prompted me to keep a gratitude journal.  To seek out all of the little gifts in life and to focus on them.  The foundation of the book is eucharisteo - to see the grace, give thanks for it and receive the joy.  It is a book about counting amazing gifts in the every day.

So today I spent some time looking over the gifts of the week in my journal before moving on to the next chapter.  There were so many gifts, many which were never even written down (I admit I'm not quite in the groove of making this habit yet).  But there was one gift which was BY FAR the best gift.  I got to see my husband pray for the first time ever!  Yes it was short, awkward and a little jumbled.  But my husband talked to God. out loud. with witnesses.  How cool is that?!?!?!

It all started with a new Bible study at my current church that has begun on Wednesday nights.  I kinda wanted to go.  But Wednesday is Ron and my day off together.  So I asked him (probably about 100 times) if he would go with me.  And I think I kinda lured him in when I reminded him that it would be quieter than our house.......MUCH quieter;)  So we went!  And the Bible study ended with prayer time in small groups.  I never thought he would take his turn.  I was shocked when he did.  I was smiling like an idiot from ear to ear.  I probably almost cried.  And I REALLY hope it is not the last time.  Actually I want it to happen ALL. THE. TIME. 

I can't wait to see if that is on my list of gifts next week too.  And I can't wait to spend another week counting amazingly precious gifts from my Saviour!  I hope you all had an awesome week too filled with loads of little precious gifts.


  1. I'm here from Ann's - and well done!! well done with your hubs. We men need a little nudge now and again - and no matter how much we complain abut it - ever since we were boys - we secretly kinda liked the bossy girls :)

    Thank you for this. I'm smiling from the reading.

    God bless and keep you and yours

  2. What a great post!!!! I agree that the book is so life-changing. And take it from a gal who doesn't stick to anything very long --- the list thing becomes addicting. I see the gifts everywhere and can't wait to write them down. And I'm just so happy about your hubby! Isn't that just the greatest!!!! I love to hear men pray anytime!!!!
