Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why I love Tuesday

* I wrote this last week before we lost our internet connection for the week.  Thought I would post it now.

It was a normal Tuesday night.  After work I went and picked up Alivia (9) and Sarah (7) for kids club at church.  Of course they had not learned their memory verse and wanted to work on it in the car.  Nothing out of the ordinary, just our usual Tuesday routine.  Alivia read the verse a couple of times and remembered it as she does every week but Sarah struggles more to remember.  Often she gets frustrated.  Often as she is struggling I remind her that she does not have to get every word and just needs the big ones, the general meaning, to get credit.  Last night she was determined to get every word.  She wanted to say it over and over and over.  And I didn't stop her.  There were no reminders from me that she didn't need every word.  Because with all my heart this is one verse that I want to stick deep in their souls.  I want them to remember this one for the long haul.  Please Lord, let this verse bury itself deep into their hearts and never leave.  Use these words in powerful ways.

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and do not depend on your own understanding. 
Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:4-5

Oh that this verse would become such a part of us that we could do no less but to wholeheartedly follow it.  I want these words to sink down into my soul, way down deep into the core of my being.  Let me live these words, Lord.  Let me live them with every breath I take.  Help me to use these words and be an example of them to everyone around.  Allow these girls to see this verse brought to life in me, Lord.  Grab ahold of them and never let them go.  I pray that they will follow your paths, Lord, wherever they lead and I pray that I will be there following right alongside them. 

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